Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme 2024/2025 is now open for application!

To encourage cross-sector collaboration in building an age-friendly city, the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme will be held again in 2024/25. Building upon the Scheme's success, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies organises the Scheme this year. This allows the Centre to leverage its academic expertise to address the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population and to develop sustainable community models that promote age-friendly practices.


Companies and organisations from any sector are eligible to participate in the Scheme and receive recognition by implementing at least one age-friendly practice in their operations, or offer a product or service that caters to the needs of older adults, under any of the eight domains of an age-friendly city outlined by the WHO in the Application Form.


The application period is open until 14 March 2025 (Friday). To apply online and download the application form, please Click here.

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