Judging Criteria and Judging Panel
The Judging Panel for the Special Awards will comprise representatives from government, academia, and relevant professional sectors. They will evaluate participants' performance based on the major criteria below. The weighting for each judging criteria varies depending on the nature of the awards:
- Creativity and innovation
- Social impact
- Resources devoted
- Sustainability of the project
Moreover, members of the public will be invited to vote for “My Favourite City Partnership Scheme Award” on the Scheme’s online platform.
- Dr CHAN Pak Li, Bernard, JPUnder Secretary for Commerce and Economic DevelopmentThe Government of HKSAR
- Mr TO Wing Hang, Edward, JPDirector of Social WelfareThe Government of HKSAR
- Professor BAI XueProfessor in Department of Applied Social Sciences andDirector of Research Centre for Gerontology and Family StudiesThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Professor CHAN Chak Kwan, DicksonDirector of Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing StudiesLingnan University
- Professor LUM Yat Sang, TerryHenry G Leong Professor in Social Work and Social Administration andAssociate Director of Sau Po Centre on AgeingThe University of Hong Kong
- Professor WOO Ling Fong, JeanHenry G Leong Research Professor in Gerontology and Geriatrics andDirector of CUHK Jockey Club Institute of AgeingThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
Relevant professional sectors
- Mr CHUA Hoi Wai, JPChief ExecutiveThe Hong Kong Council of Social Service
- Mr HUNG Yu Yan, LawrencePresidentHong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
- Mr KWAN Chuk Fai, MH, JPChairmanThe Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Committee
- Dr LI Kwok Tung, Donald, GBS, JPChairmanElderly Commission